5 Key Learnings for Rising Leaders: CFW Spotlight on Kim Morgan, Global Head of Sales at K3

Kim launched her career in advertising and grew to leadership in the adtech space. She’s led sales efforts in early stage startups, more established companies, and global organizations breaking into new markets. Kim is now the Global Head of Sales at K3, a retail tech software company. We asked Kim if she could share some of the key lessons she’s learned throughout her career, specifically for rising leaders and women in tech. As usual, she was insightful, passionate, and oh-so-wise in her answers.

CFW Guest Post: Melissa Hatter On The Evolution of Customer Success

A mentor of mine once told me that if you can’t clearly explain your job to your mom, then you're not communicating well. My mother’s confusion about my nearly two-decade long career got me thinking; why is the role of Customer Success still so hard for people to understand, and how do we make its very real value crystal clear?

Lessons learned in the quest for equity: A follow-up discussion with Tidal Equality

We spoke to DE&I mavens, Dr. Kristen Liesch and Anna Dewar Gully, of Tidal Equality following the launch of their Equity Sequence™️. We were curious to hear more about the Equity Sequence™️ and get their take on additional ways to ensure corporate DE&I efforts are effective and impactful. They had a wealth of tips and information to share. check it out!

Spring Cleaning: It's time to trash that thank you note template

Even if you’re not yet sure whether this is the job for you, it’s worth the extra effort to personalize your thank your notes. If you wait for absolute certainty that this is your dream job before you start putting in the legwork, you will have long missed your train by the time this realization comes. Read on for 5 common mistakes to avoid when crafting that crucial follow up note